If you’ve just bought a new pair of tactical firefighting boots, congratulations! They’ll take you a long way. But like any sort of footwear, they need a break-in period to fit comfortably. The first time you wear your new boots, they’ll feel stiff and uncomfortable. Not to worry—a few workarounds can get them into shape. Here are some tips for breaking in tactical firefighting boots. Try them out and see how swiftly your new boots feel like a second skin!
Wear Them
This one is a given. The best way to break in boots is to wear them and subject them to all the steps of your day. By our estimates, boots need to be walked in for about 100 miles before they feel truly comfortable. So, put them on and get going! They may feel strange at first, but the repeated action of walking and running in them will flex and fold the handcrafted leather until it gives.
Sorry, there’s no quick fix. Nevertheless, walking everywhere in your new boots is the best medicine for breaking them in. With that in mind, don’t overdo it. Watch for burgeoning blisters and other minor injuries by taking a break now and then. Repeat this over the course of a week or two.
Spritz Them
This might sound a little weird, but it works. Despite what you may have read on the Internet or heard elsewhere, don’t soak your boots in water to break them in. This can degrade the leather and affect the strength of the nails and screws holding the footwear together. Ensure your wildfire boots last a good long time by spraying them with a 50/50 solution of rubbing alcohol and water. Let the solution sit, then wear the boots and clean them off a few hours later. Walk around and note any potential hotspots where blisters might form. Spray these spots and repeat the process. Spend a day walking around and running errands. Don’t overdo it because the threat of blisters remains. When you’re done for the day, remove your boots, take out the insoles, and set the boots in front of a fan to dry.
Protect Your Feet!
Here’s another tip for breaking in tactical firefighting boots: take care of your feet. You can always change boots, but you’ve only got one set of feet! As mentioned, address foot injuries right away before they turn into big problems. When breaking in your new firefighting boots, wash your feet at the end of the day and dry them thoroughly to prevent athlete’s foot. Also, keep your toenails trimmed. If your feet hurt or the boots don’t seem to fit after trying all these tricks, consider whether they’re the right size and consult the manufacturer.